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Axialis IconWorkshop 6.33 Review

Tool designed to make, edit, convert Windows® (up to Vista) and Macintosh® icons
Icon creation has evolved. Use the industry standard to create, extract, convert, manage Windows® and Macintosh® icons like never before. It supports all existing icon formats up to Windows Vista (256x256 PNG-compressed icons) and Macintosh OS-X Leopard (512x512 JPEG2000-compressed icons). You can e ...

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Axialis IconWorkshop 6.33 (iconworkshop.exe) was downloaded & scanned by our team, against different types of malwares (like viruses, spyware, trojans, backdoors and others) and found CLEAN.

MD5 Checksum: c1bb301cac38fb20556988cdbe24b2fc (what's this)
NOTE: We rescan the software, on every release, and we can withdraw this award.