Stock NeuroMaster Overview

Stock NeuroMaster is a charting software for traders, investors and brokers, with stock prediction module based on Neural Networks, detailed trading statistics, very easy-to-use interface, free online stock quotes. It maximizes your trading profit and minimizes losses by predicting the best BUY/SELL moments for your favorite stocks.
Advanced technical analysis module offer the most important indicators. Data importing module allows you to create models using CSV data files or Metastock database. Stock NeuroMaster is highly tailored and specially developed for both professional stock traders and beginners.
![]() snm.zip (Size: 2.98 MB) |
Publisher Website: | StockNeuroMaster |
Category: | Personal Finance |
License: | shareware ($190) |
Operating Systems: | Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003 |
Filename: | snm.zip |
Size: | 2.98 MB |
MD5 Checksum: | 63841e95daa170d843d81743157d4e7e |
Last Updated: | 10 Jan 2011 |
Screenshot: | Stock NeuroMaster 2.0 Screenshot |
Full Description: Stock NeuroMaster is a charting software for traders, investors and brokers, with stock prediction module based on Neural Networks, detailed trading statistics, very easy-to-use interface, free online stock quotes. It maximizes your trading profit and minimizes losses by predicting the best BUY/SELL moments for your favorite stocks.
Advanced technical analysis module offer the most important indicators. Data importing module allows you to create models using CSV data files or Metastock database. Stock NeuroMaster is highly tailored and specially developed for both professional stock traders and beginners.
Version: 1.33 (16 Apr 2009)Version: 1.31
Why to stay up-to-date?
Most of the time having the latest version of a software is a good thing. Usually software updates add new features, which makes the software more usefull. Also with every update a software becomes more secure and more stable by fixing bugs & vulnerabilities from previous versions.We offer you 3 options in order to stay up-to-date with your software list:
1. Using Update Notifier (recommended) - AUTOMATIC PROCESS
The Update Notifier is a FREE small utility that scans your computer for installed software and displays a list of updates.
2. Register on the website and use the Watch List Option - MANUAL PROCESS
Signup on the website for free and use Watch List option (a collection of software, made by you, where you can see the current version or download it.
Complete the following form and we'll send you an email, every time a new version of Stock NeuroMaster is launched.
How can you help?
Because this is a free service and we intent to keep it free, we need your input. You can:1. Post a link to this software on your website
2. Report a problem/bug or feature requests, using the contact form
3. Notify us is a new version of Stock NeuroMaster is released and we don't have it yet on the website.