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Real-time typing tutor and semitransparent virtual on-screen keyboard

Frontype is not just another typing tutor.

We have nothing against typing tutors but they take too much time. Instead of lessons, do your usual work and type still faster and faster. Even now you are ready for touch typing. You don't believe it. Let's check it out! All you have to do is to get over a little psychological barrier to reach real touch typing.

Touch typing without typing tutors

You know how a circus juggler differs from us? He uses his peripheral vision. Do you think it is a long road to learn this skill? No, peripheral vision is an inbred sense. It was developed in the ages when primitive humans struggled for survival. Peripheral vision in some aspects exceeds the central vision, for example, in response to motion, and this is precisely what we need. All we have to do is to use peripheral vision to learn keyboard layout and to develop proper motor reactions.

Forget about the keyboard. There is no keyboard at all. There are only your thoughts and fingers.

Just think what it would be if a musician didn't think of the melody but which finger to use to press the key. Same thing for the computer keyboard. Finally we don't look at the mouse to move the cursor. Give your fingers more freedom and they'll find the proper way to press the keys.

Look front. Type. Frontype!

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