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Diskeeper 2009 Server enhances files system performance - automatically

Diskeeper 2009 Server represents an entirely new level of performance and reliability for servers and networked systems.

With Diskeeper 2009 Server installed, your system will run more reliably and faster than you thought possible, AUTOMATICALLY, for the life of your system.

Maintaining servers can be a daunting task - maintenance, including regular defragmentation, must take place regularly to keep them running at peak levels. However, with constant uptime required, scheduling such processes to run at the right times can be tricky, since while running they pose a considerable drain on system resources.

Diskeeper 2009 Server marks the end of scheduling, and the beginning of REAL TIME, on the fly maintenance of servers without ever again having to worry about dips in performance or straining valuable system resources - even when demand is at its absolute highest!

InvisiTasking™ Technology
InvisiTasking is a breakthrough technology which promises to change the way IT professionals keep their systems in top condition. InvisiTasking enables the system performance enhancements in Diskeeper 2009 to run in the background, undetectably tapping into unused system resources.

Gone for good are the days when maintenance and defragmentation had to be scheduled during nights and weekends when demand was low. With the advent of InvisiTasking, there will never be a conflict in system resources or a loss in system performance.

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