Business Icon Set Overview

Business Icon Set is a collection of royalty-free stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs, and presentations. Icons are divided into such categories as Business, Finances, Transport, Money, Computer and Reports.
Icons are carefully created pixel by pixel by the hand of a professional artist. They shine with a bright palette of colors, smooth and well-rounded edges. Superb in their quality, icons will help a developer to place a truly professional feel to his project's interfaces without the need to hire a designer or spend days and even weeks on designing icons on his own.
Your web products and software will look more modern and attractive with Business Icon Set. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256. This icon set inc ...
![]() business-icons.zip (Size: 5.16 MB) |
![]() (only $99) |
Publisher Website: | Aha-Soft |
Category: | Icons |
License: | demo ($99) BUY |
Operating Systems: | WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win2000, WinOther, Other, Mac OS X, Mac Other, Windows2000, Windows2003, WinServer, Window |
Filename: | business-icons.zip |
Size: | 5.16 MB |
MD5 Checksum: | c6b181024157d0cebe41bb485d4a1555 |
Last Updated: | 11 Jun 2010 |
Screenshot: | Business Icon Set 2010.1 Screenshot |
Full Description: Business Icon Set is a collection of royalty-free stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs, and presentations. Icons are divided into such categories as Business, Finances, Transport, Money, Computer and Reports.
Icons are carefully created pixel by pixel by the hand of a professional artist. They shine with a bright palette of colors, smooth and well-rounded edges. Superb in their quality, icons will help a developer to place a truly professional feel to his project's interfaces without the need to hire a designer or spend days and even weeks on designing icons on his own.
Your web products and software will look more modern and attractive with Business Icon Set. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256. This icon set includes transportation and financial icons: dollar, euro, yen, money bag, money, ATM, cash register, payment, piggy-bank, safe, diamond, balance, bank, bank note, bundle of bank notes, brief case, calculator, calendar, credit, fax, handshake, book, books, bus, car, lorry, fork-lift truck, pick-up, trailer, excavator, helicopter, hand cart, coin, coins, fengshui coin, cell phone, phone, open door, lock, open lock, key, keys, home, tank, watch, heart, airplane, ship, train, panel truck, satellite, database, search, engineer, managers, options, settings, monkey wrench, wrench, screwdriver, brush, pen, pencil, properties, mouse, globe, Earth, compass, armchair, microscope, camcorder, printer, server, notebook, e-mail, recycling, bull, music and others.
Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon sets also: Music Icon Set, Building Icon Set, Internet Icon Set, School Icon Set, Mobile Icon Set, Phone Icon Set, Program Icon Set, Email Icon Set, Gallery Icon Set, Funny Icon Set, Cute Icon Set, Hand Icon Set, Arrow Icon Set, Network Icon Set.
Version: 2010.1 (10 Jun 2009)Version: 2009.3 (08 Dec 2009)
Version: 2009.2 (16 Sep 2009) - business-icons.zip
Version: 2009.1 (28 May 2009)
Version: 1.0
Why to stay up-to-date?
Most of the time having the latest version of a software is a good thing. Usually software updates add new features, which makes the software more usefull. Also with every update a software becomes more secure and more stable by fixing bugs & vulnerabilities from previous versions.We offer you 3 options in order to stay up-to-date with your software list:
1. Using Update Notifier (recommended) - AUTOMATIC PROCESS
The Update Notifier is a FREE small utility that scans your computer for installed software and displays a list of updates.
2. Register on the website and use the Watch List Option - MANUAL PROCESS
Signup on the website for free and use Watch List option (a collection of software, made by you, where you can see the current version or download it.
Complete the following form and we'll send you an email, every time a new version of Business Icon Set is launched.
How can you help?
Because this is a free service and we intent to keep it free, we need your input. You can:1. Post a link to this software on your website
2. Report a problem/bug or feature requests, using the contact form
3. Notify us is a new version of Business Icon Set is released and we don't have it yet on the website.