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Drakkhen was originally a computer role-playing game developed by Draconian

Drakkhen was originally a computer role-playing game developed by Draconian (Data East) for the PC. Created by French developers, it was later re-tooled in order to be released in the United States by MicroProse in 1990. Drakkhen was then ported to the Super Nintendo system by the Japanese company Kemco-Seika, who made further revisions to the game. Released in 1991, the Super Nintendo version's graphics, sound, and ease of play are arguably improved over previous releases.

Drakkhen was notable for being among the first role-playing games to feature a three-dimensional playing field. However, it did not employ a conventional 3D game engine, instead emulating one using character-scaling algorithms.

Drakkhen features an animated day-night cycle (see left), and the ability to wander freely about the game world, both rarities for a game of its era.

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