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RS232 data analyser / scripter. COM1 to 256. Colour, full ASCII.

SimpleTerm Gold is an advanced RS232 data analyser / visual scripter. View and send (all 256) ASCII/Binary data in an easy to read colour coded sequence. Features include:
- Colour coded hexadecimal view of RAW data.
- Supports COM1 to COM256.
- Standard baud rates from 110 to 230400.
plus custom baud rates upto 961200.
- Macros, Visual Scripting Feature.
- Import and Export SimpleTerm Profiles
- Designed for ease of use.
- Changeable fonts.
- Ultra fast display rate.
- Runs in Windows 9X/2000/2003/XP.
- Colour print. -
- Capture to file, send from file.
- Integrated note pad - supports Rich Text Format (RTF) files.
- Copy (RTF) screen data to clipboard - paste to Word, Wordpad etc...
- RS232 signal monitoring using Virtual LEDs - breakout style.
- Notation Converter
- Built in search.

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