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The World's most comprehensive Windows Optimization Software.

The Free Windows Fix is an excellent solution to make your computer fast and stable as never before. With only few clicks you can optimize your PC hard disks, registry and internal settings which directly affects PC perfomance. Free Windows Fix (program) is product for everyday use to deal with Windows file errors, system crashes, pc slowing down, system hanging are all problems that Windows PC users have experienced at one time or another. Free Windows Fix is able to take the monotony of performing system defragmentation and system cleanup procedures on a daily basis by allowing you to automatically perform these operations to ensure your PC is running at maximum efficiency. These procedures will automatically clear and remove all unnecessary files like your temporary files, internet files, unused shortcuts and auto compress your rarely used files. Your PC will be running just like new! Guaranteed optimal PC performance is what Free Windows Fix is designed to achieve through its automatically scheduled system optimization processes. This program will take the guesswork out of maintaining your PC and keep your PC in tune all the time and error free.

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