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CitrixWire 4.0.4 Review

CitrixWire is a software tool that enables people to download and share programs
CitrixWire is a software package which enables individuals to search for and share any kind of media files with
anyone on the Internet. CitrixWire is a multi-platform Gnutella client with features like auto-connect, browse host,
multiple search, upload throttling, connection quality co ...

View full: CitrixWire 4.0.4 Page Description

Keep this software updated with our Update Notifier. It's small, fast and free! ... more

CitrixWire 4.0.4 (citrix.exe) was downloaded & scanned by our team, against different types of malwares (like viruses, spyware, trojans, backdoors and others) and found CLEAN.

MD5 Checksum: d38819407514eecbb3fdf2b0fbd4de92 (what's this)
NOTE: We rescan the software, on every release, and we can withdraw this award.